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April 7 - celebrate National Beer Day!



Hi All!  It's time to grab a pint (or two) at the pub because it's National Beer Day!  That's right, April 7 is designated as National Beer Day. It is said that National Beer Day was designated on April 7 to commemorate the end of Prohibition on April 7 1933.  Granted, it was not a designated "holiday" until two young men created a National Beer Day Facebook Page in 2009.

In addition to being a delicious and refreshing beverage that you can find at any supermarket or corner store, beer has a fascinating history.  It is one of the oldest beverages produced by humans, dating back over 5000 years ago!  Yes, folks were throwing back a good brew-ha-ha before Christ!  Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Medieval folks found it a healthful part of their daily diet!  It was easy to make, easy to preserve, and less expensive than wine.  So here's to beer!

 It also happens to be National Health Day so heres to  your health!  Cheers! Prost! and Salud!




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