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19@nodkeem meet George Harrison

in early on in 1964/63ish, about 2nd grade

my two friends, Pizzy Unknowns formed a rock band 

they were going to be bigger than the Beatles

i am not sure if they wanted me to learn an instrument i think they did

from this, i  wrote a philosophy in my LOST TREASURES PHILOSOPHY papers

i am the NO WHERE MAN that the Beatles sing about

the philosophy of the nowhere man was simple enough

that i need not join a band or do anything other than exist to be accepted

I need to do nothing, be nothing. I wanted to think small, not be bigger than the Beatles

said the 5th beetle haha

my philosophy papers must have ended up in the Beatles fan club. They all went missing the next day

like a journalist, i wrote philosophy about being a little girl inside and a male on the outside

i wanted to be kinder, gentler

in 1964 i wrote the philosophy NO WHERE MAN

about being small, thinking small, and being no one doing nothing to be accepted

i need not join a band to be accepted by Pixie and Pissie Unknowns. They had already hung out with me since my fool on the hill days of kindergarten

Watching the kids play, I noticed a difference between girls and boys. I was more girl on the inside from what I saw at play

gently rolling the ball back to the boy's side rather than smashing the face of the girls as the boys

I watched every day, day after day, alone on a hill I must have written, or was that the Beatles writing that?
i can't be sure

then the pissy unknowns came up in 1961/62 to ask what ya doing up here?
i said, watching the kids at play and finding my little girl inside me

they giggled but were cool with me. Kids don't judge much

at age five at least the pissy unknowns didn't

that was 1961 

The Beatles put out the song Nowhere Man in Dec 1965

i wanted to call them the BUGS but they were the Beatles

my friend Evan Shonuff, younger brother of Chrissy Shonuff, use to call them the bugs

i love Evan

anyways later in the year, after the newspaper from my desk reached the Beatles fan club sent there by my noddy boy keem brother Ronald

he had stolen my writings and must have sent them to the Beatles is i can wonder if my philosophy theme title and all are in the music, how did the Beatles do that

when I was young, I thought it was just some kind of magic miracle or does everyone find themselves in music like this

I thought it was normal to find this in the music at the time, but I was always rather puzzled. I never put my lost papers with Ronald and the Beatles exactly till much later in life

just in the last five years have I been able to slow down and worry about it

Anyway, the same year, Aug 1964, I walked upstairs past the kitchen to the front room. GEORGE HARRISON and RONALD is sitting on the couch

sitting on the sofa with a sister or two
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