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Summer 2019

June was spent with my brother and his fiance. We frequented the library and coffee shop a lot to keep cool in the AC. It was actually June gloom for the whole month it seemed. I just remembered it being overcasted. I wish I had taken pictures. Oh well. Nothing happened this month. July was with brother and his fiance and we did our daily hangouts to keep cool. It was hotter days for sure! We had 4th of July and I went to my older sister's house for some BBQ and I slept over because I didn'



Today's Lunch

We are at a very cool little diner called Mr. Pete's. We had the burger special which was $4.99. Came with beef burger, French fries and a regular drink! Not bad, eh?   



The Three Women that I admire the most

#1 My Mother! My Mom was such an amazing woman. She worked so hard all her life. I remember her juggling like 3 jobs when she got divorced just to make ends meet for her 5 children. She was my best friend and always supported me through all  my ups and downs. She died in 2018. I will forever miss her and her strong and kind ways.  #2 My Grandmothers! My Mom's mother was a wonderful lady. She was also very active in raising her children. My Dad's Mom was very caring. She always bought as Chr



Get To Know Me

What is your full name? Pearly, Pearl for short. Are you named after anyone? Yes, A Filipina Actres Where do you live? SoCal Where were you born? Philippines Which of your parents are you closest to? Mother Which of your parents are you more like? None What is your favorite drink? Mango Juice by Luzona What is your favorite food? Ethiopian food What is your favorite holiday destination? Europe What is your favorite childhood memory?



SoCal Winter

Winter is here I live in SoCal Cold feet touches the ocean Muddy toes Frozen still as a beautiful flower Are you warm Cold breeze and wind chills Snuggle by the heat Warm my feet Too good to be true Winter is here Ice cream in gear Yes to snow I live in SoCal though



What's this about Body Kindness and A little Story

Instead of dieting I would like to offer a different approach this year when everyone seems to wanting to diet more in January.  I have a book called Body Kindness by Rebecca Scritchfield, RDN ( Registered Dietitian Nutritionist ). It's to transform your health from inside out and never say diet again. This book shows you how to create a healthier and happier life by treating yourself with compassion rather than shame. Body Kindness is based on Four principles.  WHAT YOU DO: the choices you



Neurodiversity aRtistic/autistic/synesthesia

Neurodiversity aRtistic/autistic/synesthesia i love this talk on high functioning autism by a musician who plays full time in an orchestra for a living Neurodiversity – the key that unlocked my world | Elisabeth Wiklander | TEDxGöteborg   ...and now again pondering if that is my issue and why i feel so misunderstood and frustrated and like i have so much potential and yet i cannot seem to break free from my problems and am not even sure what i want in life. so grateful i can be a

Shannon Kringen

Shannon Kringen


This year was filled with friendship and hanging out with said friends. I can say that this year I went out almost every weekend and just about loved it. My one regret is not meeting a personal goal. This goal would have helped me in so many ways. I will try again next year! I have hopes. Its just that time of year to get myself in perspective and learn what needs more attention on. I expect to make more money next year and also meet my personal goal. I plan on eating more vegetarian and vegan m



June 24 is Swim-a-Lap Day!

Hi again All! I appreciate your patience while I was once again on haitus. I may have been gone for a spell, but the calendar pages are always turning, and every day is an unofficial holiday of some sort! Speaking of which, June 24 is International Swim-a-Lap Day! This is a day when we are encouraged to celebrate the ancient pastime of swimming and the engagement of it for sport and excersize! Done regularly, swimming can offer so many health benefits. It burns a substantial amount of calor



May 25 is Geek Pride Day!

Greetings, Programs! It's May 25, which means it's Geek Pride Day! Geek Pride Day was first celebrated in 2006, when a Spanish blogger, German Martinez organized the first celebration. It was celebrated mostly on the internet but also IRL in Madrid, where 300 Geeks demonstrated their pride together with a human Pac-Man. A manifesto was then created to celebrate the first Geek Pride Day, which included a list of the basic rights and responsibilities of Geeks.So wave your Geek flag high! It w



May 23rd is Lucky Penny Day!

Hi All! It's May 23, which means it is Lucky Penny Day! Have you ever found a penny lying on the ground? If you live in a country that has pennies, such as the United States and Britain, well then of course you have! Did you know what luck picking up these pennies can bring you?   No one knows who started Lucky Penny Day or when, but some say it may be a twist on the “See a pin and pick it up, all the day you'll have good luck.” and similar verses you might find in American Folklore.



May 17 - Happy Sittende Mai!

Hello There!  How is your day going thus far?  Are you aware that today is not only full of unofficial observances such as World Baking Day and Pack Rat Day, but it is also an honest-to-goodness bonafide holiday!  What holiday is it, you ask?  Welp, it's Norwegian Consititution Day!  Also known simply as Sittende Mai (May 17th), Norwegian Constitution Day takes place around the world on May 17th.   On May 17, 1814 Norway signed its Consititution to avoid being ceded to Sweden after a dev



May 16 is National Sea Monkey Day!

Hi All, It's National Sea-Monkey Day! Sea-monkeys, otherwise known as “brine-shrimp” are small crustaceans that normally live in salt lakes.I wasn't able to come up with an answer to the question "When did National Sea-Monkey Day begin and who founded it?" but I do know that In 1957 Harold Von Braunhut invented the brine-shrimp based product to sell to consumers in the United States after ant farms had proven popularity a year earlier. How did the sea monkey get it's name? Well, these cute under



May 9 - National Lost Sock Memorial Day!

Hi All!  I'm back after haiatus and just in time for a very significant observance!  That's right, today is May ninth which means its National Lost Sock Memorial Day!  Where on earth do all of those single socks run off to? Is there really a "sock fairy" who is playing a practical joke?  Do they slip into another dimension that is now FULL of billions of sock singletons? Did the dog eat them?  Or maybe those single socks are just out on a very successful Tinder date.  It's been a conundrum commo



April 20 - Weed Day!

Hi All!  It's a Reefer Revolution! Tomorrow we celebrate by lighting up a fat one on April 20, Weed Day!  Potheads from all over the world, from Amsterdam to New Zealand, from Arkansas to Zimbabwe will be lighting up this Thursday to celebrate the Jolly Green!  If you reside in certain states and countries, you can light up legally.  Otherwise you'll want to keep it on the down low.  As of 2017 smoking marijuana recreationally is legal in South Africa, Spain, Uraguay, and some parts of the Unite



April 18 - World Heritage Day!

Greetings!  April 18 is World Heritage Day and I couldn't be more thrilled!  World Heritage Day-- more formally known as International Day for Monuments and Sites-- is observed around the world every year on April 18 to recognize and celebrate all that is culture and heritage around the world!  International Day for Monuments and Sites was approved by UNESCO in 1983 after being proposed by the International Council on Monuments and Sites in 1982. UNESCO serves to promote peace, respect for human



April 14 is National Look Up at the Sky Day!

Hello and Good Day!  One of my favorite pastimes is being celebrated today.  April 14 is National Look Up at the Sky Day!  Have you spent much time looking up at the sky?  I sure have!  It is an activity that humans have been partaking in since the beginning of time.  From astronomers to sailors, meteorologists and airplane pilots and even the average Joe has had occasion to look up at the sky!   There is not much on the origination of this unofficial observance, but I'm certainly not one t



April 11 is National Submarine Day!

Hi All!  Can you believe it's already the middle of April?  Do you know what that means?  Well, it means that Spring is upon us, flowers are blooming, birdies are singing, dogs are a-barkin'.  And... it's National Submarine Day!  National Submarine Day commemorates the day that the United States acquired it's first commissioned submarine, the USS Holland. The USS Holland was built in 1897 and, after proving her seaworthiness, was bought by the United States Government for $150,000 on April 11, 1



April 7 - celebrate National Beer Day!

Hi All!  It's time to grab a pint (or two) at the pub because it's National Beer Day!  That's right, April 7 is designated as National Beer Day. It is said that National Beer Day was designated on April 7 to commemorate the end of Prohibition on April 7 1933.  Granted, it was not a designated "holiday" until two young men created a National Beer Day Facebook Page in 2009. In addition to being a delicious and refreshing beverage that you can find at any supermarket or corner store, beer has



April 5 is Read A Road Map Day!

I know that not everyone is as enthusiastic about road maps as I am, but who hasn't gotten lost in the wonderful world that is: maps!  April 5 is Read A Road Map Day!  In our current world of GPS and GoogleMaps, some of us may have lost the joy unfolding and laying that paper map out on your desk and marveling at just how vast and intricate our street systems are!  Well, I don't know about you, but on April 5 I intend to do just that!  So get that map out and plan your next road trip, or even ju



April Fools - The Grandfather of all unofficial holidays

Ah! April Fools Day:  the most well known and well loved of the unofficial holidays.  April Fools day is probably the oldest unofficial holiday and is observed in the UK, Ireland, Poland, Scandinavia and is also referred to in Indian and Romanian culture.  There doesn't seem to be a consensus on how April Fools started, but it may go as far back as 14th century England! For those who have been living under a rock, April Fools happens on April 1st of every year and is observed by playing pra




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