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May 25 is Geek Pride Day!



Greetings, Programs! It's May 25, which means it's Geek Pride Day! Geek Pride Day was first celebrated in 2006, when a Spanish blogger, German Martinez organized the first celebration. It was celebrated mostly on the internet but also IRL in Madrid, where 300 Geeks demonstrated their pride together with a human Pac-Man. A manifesto was then created to celebrate the first Geek Pride Day, which included a list of the basic rights and responsibilities of Geeks.So wave your Geek flag high!

It was first celebrated in the U.S. in 2008 when numerous bloggers got together to launch the Geek Pride Day website. In 2009, the Science Channel recognized May 25 as Geek Pride Day by broadcasting special programming to celebrate geeks. In 2013 Geek Pride was solidified in Gothenberg, Sweden; a Geek Pride parade was held and it was decided that this would be an annual event!

Many of us remember when being called a geek was a derogitory term, and cause for disdain and ostracism. But not any more! Did it start with Screech on the TV show 'Saved by the Bell' or Steve Urkel on 'Family Matters'? Could it be that when Steve Jobs and Bill Gates became creators of culture geekery became a respected form of expression? Any way you look at it, Geeks are cool and to be celebrated!

If you're a geek, love a geek, or are interested in learning more about them, celebrate Geek Pride day by going online and learning more, or participating in one of the Pride Day celebrations around the world! Geek Up!!!

Other notable May 25 observances:  Towel Day; Wine Day; Tap Dance Day

Current Listen:

Geek Like Me - The Wonderstrucks;

 They Might Be Giants - Particle Man



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