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This year was filled with friendship and hanging out with said friends. I can say that this year I went out almost every weekend and just about loved it. My one regret is not meeting a personal goal. This goal would have helped me in so many ways. I will try again next year! I have hopes. Its just that time of year to get myself in perspective and learn what needs more attention on. I expect to make more money next year and also meet my personal goal. I plan on eating more vegetarian and vegan meals. I plan on going grocery shopping more at Trader Joe's. ( I love it there ) Here is some reasons why eating Vegetarian/Vegan meals are better for you. 

You'll ward off disease. Vegetarian diets are more healthful than the average American diet, particularly in preventing, treating or reversing heart disease and reducing the risk of cancer. A low-fat vegetarian diet is the single most effective way to stop the progression of coronary artery disease or prevent it entirely. Cardiovascular disease kills 1 million Americans annually and is the leading cause of death in the United States.

You'll keep your weight down. The standard American diet—high in saturated fats and processed foods and low in plant-based foods and complex carbohydrates——is making us fat and killing us slowly. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and a division of the CDC, the National Center for Health Statistics, 64 percent of adults and 15 percent of children aged 6 to 19 are overweight and are at risk of weight-related ailments including heart disease, stroke and diabetes

You'll have more energy. Good nutrition generates more usable energy——energy to keep pace with the kids, tackle that home improvement project or have better sex more often, Michael F. Roizen, MD, says in The RealAge Diet. Too much fat in your bloodstream means that arteries won’'t open properly and that your muscles won'’t get enough oxygen.

Those are just some examples. It's better for the planet and animals as well:)

I just wanted to wish everyone a happy and peaceful new year 2018!


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