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April 18 - World Heritage Day!



Greetings!  April 18 is World Heritage Day and I couldn't be more thrilled!  World Heritage Day-- more formally known as International Day for Monuments and Sites-- is observed around the world every year on April 18 to recognize and celebrate all that is culture and heritage around the world!  International Day for Monuments and Sites was approved by UNESCO in 1983 after being proposed by the International Council on Monuments and Sites in 1982. UNESCO serves to promote peace, respect for human rights, and collaboration between nations. 

World Heritage Day is noteworthy because it reminds us of of the value of preserving culturally relevant sites around the world.  As of today, there are 1,052 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 165 countries around the world! Over two hundred of these are natural sites such as The Great Barrier Reef in Australia, the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere and Reserve in Mexico, and Yellowstone National Park in the United States. Many more are cultural sites; 814 to be exact; man made, and cherished by the world and their respective countries. From the decorated farmhouses of Halsingland in Sweden, to the Ankor Complex in Cambodia, these sites are precious and culturally relevant monuments to the creativity and diversity of humankind.

How does one celebrate World Heritage Day?  Do some research and find a World Heritage Site near you and pay a visit!  Learn about World Heritage Sites around the world and plan a visit!  I personally have a bucket list that includes visits to sites including Angkor Wat Temples in Cambodia, the Historic Monuments of Kyoto in JapanVictoria Falls in Zambia, and the Statue of Liberty in the U.S!  Check out the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites and plan your bucket list!



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