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Lady Jax

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Posts posted by Lady Jax

  1. In October of last year (2018) my husband and I sold our property/house.  We put our stuff into a storage unit, and kept out the things we really needed for living the RV life.  It has been an adventure for sure!  Going from a 2 bedroom home on 2.23 acres, out in the country....to a 28 foot Fleetwood Southwind RV inside city limits.  We were use to hearing coyotes howling, watching the hawks fly overhead, now we hear sirens and the sound of constant traffic.  We are very blessed however, and now that we are use to living in an RV, we look forward to more adventures to pass our way.

    So my question to you is, would you sell your property/house and move in to an RV?

  2. chakras.jpgEveryone has an invisible energy system called Chakras.  The word Chakra means energy disk, vortex, or wheel.  There are seven energy stations positioned from the base of your spine to the top of your head.

    Together, they make up the Chakra system and each of them plays a key role in your body's energy, your life and your overall well-being.

    The 7 Chakras are an interconnection between your physical and spiritual body.  Often times when an illness manifests in some part of your body, there will be a correlated blockage or weakening in one or more of your chakras. 


    Chakra 1:  Root


    Color:  Red

    Element:  Earth

    Position:  Base of the Spine

    Objective:  Birth issues, survival patterns, generational patterns, money,

    food and health issues, grounding

    Useful crystal healing stones:  Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Red Coral, Red Jasper, Red Ruby, Smoky Quartz

    Useful essential oils:  Cedar Root, Cloves, Myrrh, Rosemary, Vetiver



    Chakra 2:  Sacral


    Color:  Orange

    Element:  Water

    Position:  Below the belly button

    Objective:  Sexuality, the nature of your relationships, freedom from guilt,

    pleasure, sensation and creativity

    Useful crystal healing stones:  Carnelian, Fire Agate, Fire Opal, Golden Topaz, Orange Calcite,

    Orange Jasper, Tiger Eye

    Useful essential oils:  Cardamom, Orange, Sandalwood, Ylang-Ylang



    Chakra 3:  Solar Plexus


    Color:  Yellow

    Element:  Fire

    Position:  Above the Naval

    Objective:  Relationship with yourself, personal power, self-esteem, freedom from shame,

    self-worth and self-image

    Useful crystal healing stones:  Amber, Citrine, Golden Calcite, Golden Tiger Eye,

    Yellow Jasper, Yellow Jade, Sunstone

    Useful essential oils:  Cinnamon, clove, ginger, Juniper, Lemongrass



    Chakra 4:  Heart


    Color:  Green

    Element:  Air

    Position:  Center of chest

    Objective:  Heart, compassion, love, emotional zone, self-acceptance,

    masculine/feminine of the self, and forgivness

    Useful crystal healing stones:  Emerald, Green Aventurine, Green Tourmaline, Jade,

    Malachite, Peridot, Rose Quartz

    Useful essential oils:  Cypress, Jasmine, Lavender, Melissa, Rose


    Chakra 5:  Throat


    Color:  Sky Blue

    Element:  Sound

    Position:  Hollow of Throat

    Objective:  Speaking your truth, coming from the center of your willpower,

    listening and being heard, communication, finding your true voice and expressing your thruth

    Useful crystal healing stones:  Blue Calcite, Blue Kyanite, Blue Turquoise, Sodalite

    Useful essential oils:  Basil, Bergamot, Chamomile, Peppermint, Spearmint



    Chakra 6:  Third Eye


    Color:  Indigo

    Element:  Light

    Position:  Between the eyebrows

    Objective:  Intuition & psychic talents, self-reflection, visualization,

    discernment, and trust of your own intuition

    Useful crystal healing stones:  Azurite, Lapis, Lazuli, Sugilite

    Useful essential oils:  Angelica Root, Bay Laurel, Clary Sage, Elemi, Patchouli



    Chakra 7:  Crown


    Color:  Violet

    Element:  Thought

    Position:  Top of the head

    Objective:  Charity, connection to Spirit, divinity, belief systems, revelation, divine consciousness

    Useful crystal healing stones:  Amethyst, White Calcite, White Topaz

    Useful essential oils:  Galbanum, Gurjum, Helichrysum, Neroli, Spikenard

















  3. WHITE

    The Goddess, ancient mother, purity, spirituality, devotional magick, general prayers, illumination, cycle of life, good will, initiation, feminine mystery, freedom, love, health, truth, sincerity, to symbolize a person, place or thing, blessings.



    Return energy back to sender, divination, protection, dark goddesses, time, chaos, the first stage of a working, the beginning of creation, North, winter, rebirth, wisdom, the number 8, infinity, destroy bad habits, rest, investigation and combats hyperactivity.  Use sparingly.  Many practitioners follow the burning of a black candle with the lighting of a white one to bring balance to the magickal workings.



    Use for wounded pride, for broken bones to knit properly, and angelic protection.



    Intelligence, call the ancient ones, create sigils, anything to do with government, truth, justice, humility, planet Jupiter, devotions, and forgiveness.



    Peace, serenity, dreaming magicks, invoke Spirit when in the process of charitable works.



    Power, wealth, good fortune, ambition. 



    Truth, intelligence, wisdom, loyalty, fidelity, protect one's reputation, peace, meditation, feminine mysteries, water, infinity, poetry, faith, planet Venus, to defeat an enemy and protect hearth, home and the young.  Use with white to create confusion among evil.



    Emotional work love, peace and protection.



    Impulsion, depression, changeability. 



    Healing, the Green Man, god or goddess of vegetation and forest, youth, hope, happiness, new beginnings, improve the weather, financial gains (with gold and silver), argicultural magick, abundance, prosperity, immortality, spring, fertility, luck, the planets Venus and Mercury. 



    Healing, energy of the sun, prosperity, self-esteem, intellect, intuition, goodness, humility, beauty, light, life, truth, attraction, mental work, meditation, divination and the God.  Wear some yellow to a job interview to show that you can be trusted (brown says that you are responsible).



    Opportunities, the ability to over-come challenges, break blocks, material gain, helps to seal a spell, happiness, luxury, remove feelings of abandonment, pride and courage, heroism, attraction.



    Action, deep affection, courage, fire, masculine principle, festivity, strength, faith, life renewal, joy, summer, active leadership, expansion, physical work as in healing of people and animals, health, passion and sex, the planet Mars.



    Friendship, harmony, honor, love, morality.



    Fast money, moon magick, the Charge of the Goddess, the Goddess, reality, connection to Spirit, astral travel, freedom, destroy illusions, restore balance, endurance, star magick, meditation, peace, personal illumination.



    Stabilize a disturbed personality, slow down a reckless person or situation, use in some glamouries.  Wear this color with some green when applying for a loan or asking for a raise.



    Soothe emotional upsets, security, support, friendship, and nature magick.




  4. How to make a 'Working' Candle


    A working candle is a candle that is lit and used during magickal rituals,

    studying, writing, crafting, etc.


    Items Needed:

    1 Tea Light Candle and 1 White Pillar Candle

    Sea Salt

    An incense of your choice  (I use Dragon's Blood)

    Moon Water / Holy Water

    Herbs of your choice (I use sea salt, dry white sage, cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, etc)

    Pestle and Mortar

    Essential Oil(s) *optional

    Small amount of Olive Oil

    A piece of Wax Paper


    Light the tea light candle and the incense.  As you do so, envision white light, peace and good intent emitting from the flame of the tea light candle and the smoke of the incense.


    Place the pillar candle in the center of your altar or on a counter top, again, envision white light, peace and good intent going 'into' the candle.


    Sprinkle sea salt on top of the candle in a Deosil (clockwise) direction and say:

    "By salt you are cleansed"


    Pick up the pillar candle and pass the it over the flame of the tea light candle and say:

    "By fire may your flame be eternal"


    Now, pass the pillar candle threw the smoke of the incense and say:

    "By air may you be inspired"


    Place the pillar candle back in the center of your altar/counter top and sprinkle moon water/holy water on top of the candle and say:

    "By water may you be Blessed"


    You can also carve your name, words, symbols, sigils, etc into the candle.

    Ex:  Love, Magick, Healing, Inspiration, A Pentagram, etc.


    Grind your herbs of choice in a pestle and mortar, grind them into a fine powder as well as possible.  Again, envision white light, peace and good intent being infused into the herbs.


    Starting at the base of the pillar candle, rub some olive oil on the candle in an upward direction, making sure that you coat the entire candle well.

    Place a piece of wax paper on your altar/counter top.  Now put your powdered herbs on top of the wax paper.  Roll the olive oil coated pillar candle back and forth in the dried herbs, coating the outside and top of the pillar candle with as much of the dried herbs as possible.


    Now place the pillar candle in it's holder.  It is now ready to use.


    You can let the tea light candle and the incense burn themselves out if you wish.


    When you light your working candle for magickal purposes, say:

    "God and Goddess within, God and Goddess without,

    Create a circle all about, let love in and keep evil out"

  5. Celebrating the Moon on the Esbats


    The Esbats, or Wiccan/Pagan lunar holy days, celebrate the moon's passage around the Earth. The Esbats offer a chance to regularly put aside time to step away from the ordinary world and dedicate time to spiritual reflection or magical work. The approach to the holy days isn't all-inclusive. For each phase of the moon, some groups have particular rituals, and the Esbats can be celebrated by individuals or covens.

    Some celebrate an Esbat on the:

    ·                            Full Moon

    ·                            New Moon

    ·                            Full Moon and New Moon

    ·                            Full Moon, New Moon, and the Quarter Moons

    Some use the word Esbat to describe any Wiccan/Pagan gathering (especially if ritual or magical work takes place) that doesn't occur on a Sabbat.

  6. Celebrating the Sun on the Sabbats


    Wiccan/Pagan holidays, or Sabbats, are timed to the seasons and the Earth's natural rhythms. Sabbats celebrate the Earth's journey around the sun, called the Wheel of the Year, and Wiccans refer to commemorating the Sabbats as Turning the Wheel.


    Most celebrate these eight Sabbats annually:

    Yule, Winter Solstice: December 20, 21, 22, or 23

    Yule is the longest night and the shortest day of the year. Some consider Yule to be either the year's beginning or the end. This is the time to celebrate the return of the light. Yule is the solar turning of the tides, and the newborn Sun offers a fresh start and, literally, a new day. It's a time of renewal and hope.

    Imbolc, Brigid, Candlemas, Imbolg, or Brigid's Day: February 1 or 2

    Brigid, or Imbolc, is a preparation for spring. At Brigid, we clean and organize their living environments, as well as their minds and hearts, in preparation for the upcoming season of growth. It's a time to shake off the doldrums of late winter and light the fires of creativity and inspiration.

    Ostara, Eostar, Spring Equinox, or Oestarra: March 20, 21, 22, or 23

    Winter is now over. Light is increasing. The day and night are equal in length at the equinox. Spring has arrived or is coming soon. Eostar is the time of fertility, birth, and renewal. The ice is thawing, and the growing season for plants and animals begins. Growth is the theme of the day.

    Beltane, May Eve, Beltaine, Bealtaine, or May Day: April 30 or May 1

    Beltane is the time of the marriage and union of the Goddess as Mother Earth and the God of the Greenwood. It is an ancient fertility festival marking the beginning of the planting cycle. The festival was to ensure a good growing season and a bountiful harvest. Beltane is light-hearted and joyful.

    Litha, Summer Solstice, or Midsummer: June 20, 21, 22, or 23

    Litha is the longest day and the shortest night of the year. Light triumphs, but will now begin to fade into darkness as autumn approaches. The crops are planted and growing. The woods and forests have reached their peak fullness. This is the time of abundance for wildlife, including people! The holiday is joyous.

    Lammas, or Lughnasad, Lughnasadh: August 1

    For the ancient Pagans, Lughnasad was a time of both hope and fear. They held hope for a bountiful harvest and abundant food, but they feared that the harvest wouldn't be large enough and that the cold months would be filled with struggle and deprivation. At Lughnasad, modern Wiccan/Pagans also face their fears, concentrate on developing their own abilities, and take steps to protect themselves and their homes.

    Mabon, Fall Equinox, or Harvest Home: September 20, 21, 22, or 23

    At Mabon, the day and the night are equal in length, in sublime balance. For many locations, Mabon coincides with the final harvest of grain, fruits, and vegetables. Mabon, also called Harvest Home, is the time of thanksgiving. The beauty and bounty of summer gives way to the desolation of winter, and the darkness overtakes the light.

    Samhain, All Hallow's Eve, Hallowmas: October 31 or November 1

    For many Samhain marks the New Year and is the most important Sabbat. It's the time to remember the ancestors, and the time to celebrate the harvest and all that has been accomplished over the year.

  7. Full Moon Ritual

    You will need:

    Teaspoon of Rosemary

    A bowl of Water

    White Candle


    Go outside to experience the full moon or sit near a window where the full moon shines. Light a white candle to symbolize the light of the full moon.

    Cast your circle , Hold the bowl in your hands and light it above your head.



    By the shining power of the lady’s light this water is purified and made clean.

    Set the bowl down where the moon light or candlelight shines upon it. See the reflection of the light on the water’s surface. When the surface of the water is still hold the rosemary in one hand.



    Through the cleansing power of the earth this herb brings purity


    Add the rosemary to the water, Dip a finger into the water and touch each part of your body listed below and say:

    Third eye ( forehead): May my intentions be pure . . .

    Lips: May my words be pure . . .

    Chest: May my love be pure . . .

    Hands: May my actions be pure . . .

    Feet: May my path be pure . . .


    Feel the power of the full moon’s light and the cleansing rosemary move through your body bringing light and purity into every cell.


    Knowing that this energy will continue to guide and inspire you over the next moon cycle thank the Goddess for her blessing. You can drain the rosemary from the water and keep the consecrated water for future purifications and blessings or pour the water into the earth outside as and offering.

  8. Useful Infused Oils for Healing

    Infused with Coconut Oil or Olive Oil



    Properties:  Antiseptic, eases muscle spasms, expels digestive gas, calms nerves, eases PMS symptoms

    Uses:  Headaches, bronchitis, colds, coughs

    Cautions:  Avoid during pregnancy



    Properties:  Pain reliever, anti-depressant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, sedative

    Uses:  Skin problems, stress, arthritis, bursitis, blisters, wounds, menopause, PMS

    Cautions:  Avoid in first trimester of pregnancy



    Properties:  Pain reliever, especially for oral problems

    Uses:  Tooth pain, gum problems

    Cautions:  Avoid during pregnancy



    Properties:  Anti-depressant, antiseptic, astringent

    Uses:  Acne, oily skin, muscle stiffness, headache, stress, fatigue

    Cautions:  Don't expose treated skin to sun



    Properties:  Antiseptic, anti-depressant, anti-viral, sedative, relieves muscle spasms, astringent

    Uses:  Skin problems, arthritis, pain, gout, stress, anxiety, insomnia

    Cautions:  Avoid if you have extremely low blood pressure



    Properties:  Antiseptic, eases muscle spasms, astringent, kills bacteria, anti-fungal, insect repellent, anti-viral

    Uses:  Acne, boils, exfoliate, oily skin, fever, PMS, painful joints, depression, fatigue

    Cautions:  Don't expose treated skin to sun; may irritate sensitive skin



    Properties:  Anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, kills germs, astringent, expectorant

    Uses:  Wounds, athletes foot, mouth ulcers, sore throat, gum problems, laryngitis

    Cautions:  Avoid during pregnancy



    Properties:  Pain reliever, antiseptic, relieves muscle spasms, astringent, expels digestive gas, eases stomach pain, decongestant, anti-fungal

    Uses:  Headache, fever, colds, sinusitis, nausea, muscle spasms, ringworm, bad breath, lethargy, depression

    Cautions:  May irritate skin; do not use on damaged or broken skin



    Properties:  Pain reliever, antiseptic, eases muscle spasms, decongestant, stimulant

    Uses:  Fatigue, asthma, bronchitis, cramps, muscle soreness, arthritis, headache, memory booster, oily hair, dandruff stress, depression

    Cautions:  Avoid if you have high blood pressure or a history of epilepsy; do not use on broken or damaged skin




    Properties:  Anti-depressant, deodorant, relaxes cramps

    Uses:  PMS and menopause symptoms, skin toner, acne, dandruff, depression, stress, migraine, fatigue

    Cautions:  Do not confuse with garden sage; overuse may cause headaches



    Properties:  Antibiotic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, decongestant

    Uses:  Cuts, abrasions, insect bites, mouth ulcers, cold sores, herpes, chicken pox, colds, bronchitis, acne, athletes foot, nail fungus, ringworm, dandruff

    Cautions:  Possible irritant to sensitive skin



    Properties:  Anti-bacterial pain reliever

    Uses:  Arthritis, skin problems, wounds, acne, colds, sinus infections

    Cautions:  Avoid red thyme oils, thyme essential oil should be a pale yellow color




    Do NOT ingest unless item specifically says it is edible.  Use your own desecration please.

    This Witches Corner is NOT responsible for any allergic reactions or improper use of item.


  9. Moon Phases

    The moon affects everything around us, the way we act, the way we think, and the way we handle our emotions.  The effects of the moon had been talked about, and joked about, since the Dawn of Time.  Phrases like "once in a blue moon" and "full moon special" have been used as an excuse for a wide variety of behavior.  Throughout levels to will wind and 301, we will begin tracking our moods and emotions and how they tie into the many different phases of the moon and the astrological sign the moon is in.

    The New Moon is the time of initiation and ideas.  Now is the time to begin a new project, get a new job, or bring to life that creative idea you’ve been holding on to.

    Magickal Correspondences: birth, initiation, new beginnings, honoring oneself

    The first quarter of the moon is called the Waxing Moon and is seen becoming larger.  In this phase the Goddess is the Maiden.  Now is the time of new ideas and new beginnings, of building and growth.  This is the time that we focus on bringing things to us, such as a better job, new love, or increased financial security.

    Magickal Correspondences: growth, advancement, the start of a new project, positive change

    At the Full Moon She is the Mother.  Psychic abilities are at their highest.  We concentrate on fertility, growth, transformation, fulfillment, love, and power.  When there are 2 full moons during a calendar month (this happens every 2 1/2 years), the second moon is called the Blue Moon.  This is the time to try something new, something you ordinarily wouldn’t try.

    Magickal Correspondences: fertility, growth, transformation, fulfillment, sexuality, maturation, love, power, maximum psychic ability

    The last quarter of the moon is called the Waning Moon and is seen getting smaller.  Now the Goddess is the Crone and we focus on wisdom, intuition and healing.  This is the time to release negative energies, banish harmful thoughts, and release those things that bring harm to us.

    Magickal Correspondences: wisdom, endings, release, banishment, intuition, prophecy, divination, old age, deep secrets, the power of healing

    The day before the new moon is called the Dark Moon.  We use this time for strong protection or defensive work.  When there are 2 dark moons in a calendar month, the second dark moon is called the Sidhe Moon.  This is the time for deeply personal internal or shadow work.

    Magickal Correspondences: banishing, transformation, meditation, divination


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