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    In service to a great nation, I gave nearly my all. My soul for God and Country! Your Psychological Warrior for the war effort. MK-Donald/donna

  • While there are eternal truths such as gravity exists but why? (theory/model/faith) yet life is a series of half-truths that create an understanding or an illusion of preference  for each of us when added up making what some call that faith theory or modeling.

  • My personal opinion is that I am HALF right, and you are HALF wrong.
    DKMeek the Magician 19@nodkeem

  •  perhaps we are all conservatives yet we take the things that are offbeat and outcast at times and propose a better life that is more inclusive of the individuals in a society that is the liberal way

DEV>Splinter, The Skeleton Squirtle


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Oh my god I cannot believe I forgot to post this here! I got a lot of requests last year to finish the Halloween Starters, but I didn’t have the chance to finish it before the holiday had passed and it didn’t feel right posting it late. But now that it’s getting chilly, I felt the need to finish it up with a Skeleton Squirtle! 

In the game I have in mind, there will be an abandoned cemetery out somewhere near the ocean where lost souls rest. Throughout the year, it is a peaceful place where ghost pokemon can be found and captured. However, during the spooky months when the veil between worlds is thin, spirits will awaken and have their fun on Earth. During this time, Squirtles hatching under the sand before making their way out to the ocean may imprint on a spirit and take their bones. In terms of game mechanics, this is to say that if you hatch a Squirtle egg at night between October 29th and November 2nd, it will have a skull for a shell. (I’m considering a Dia De Los Muertos Squirtle if it’s after October 31st)

Featured in the picture are:

  • Skeleton Squirtle: Squirtle would likely be a water-ghost type for obvious reasons, but I like the idea of Blastoise’s canons being capable of shooting poison, so maybe a water/poison type? I’d love to hear arguments for or against.

  • Ghost Castform: I’ve always loved Castform but I was so sad that it never got new forms. Castform would gain a ghost typing during foggy weather. 

  • Trick-or-treater Mimikyu: Mimikyu may enjoy dressing up as Pikachu on most days, but sometimes they just like stealing some candy. What better way to do that than hiding inside a candy-bucket? This change would certainly just be cosmetic with no new typing. 

  • Candy Trubbish: The Common Trubbish is born of common garbage. However during Halloween, lots of discarded candy finds its way to the dump. This Trubbish is made of all the unwanted candy that children didn’t want. I’d say probably a fairy-typing for this one, or possibly an added dark-type. 

  • Goth Kirlia: Straight-forward, this would be a dark type Raltz line instead of a psychic type. They’re really into witchcraft. 

  • Nightmare Abra: Also dark type. Most abra spend their days sleeping, However, this branch of the species is prone to nightmares so it teleports into other people’s dreams for protection. Unfortunately, they may bring bad dreams with them. 

Anyway this was a ton of fun to do and I'd love to hear your ideas for more pokemon-themed projects

Also here it is on instagram! Give my page a follow if you get the chance <3

New Moon, The Jack-O-Lantern Bulbasaur by VincenzoNova  Hex the Witch Charmander by VincenzoNova  Shadow, the Black Meowth by VincenzoNova 


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  • Idiocracy would not relate Repression to Communism due to their years of training by the misdirecting repressors.

  • In my opinion, I am HALF right, and you are HALF wrong. Let's part ways. Each of us is taking our HALF LIFE in peace.
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