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    Philosophical Model 19@nodkeem

    The Art Colony and related sites are just a modern day book with photos

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    In service to a great nation, I gave nearly my all. My soul for God and Country! Your Psychological Warrior for the war effort. MK-Donald/donna

  • While there are eternal truths such as gravity exists but why? (theory/model/faith) yet life is a series of half-truths that create an understanding or an illusion of preference  for each of us when added up making what some call that faith theory or modeling.

  • My personal opinion is that I am HALF right, and you are HALF wrong.
    DKMeek the Magician 19@nodkeem

  •  perhaps we are all conservatives yet we take the things that are offbeat and outcast at times and propose a better life that is more inclusive of the individuals in a society that is the liberal way

GOV>Peru and U.S. Highlight Key Achievements and Commit to Extension During Third Annual Child Protection Partnership Dialogue


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Office of the Spokesperson

United States and Peruvian government officials and civil society organizations convened for a bilateral dialogue today to share accomplishments and discuss progress and challenges toward the goals and objectives of the U.S.-Peru Child Protection Compact (CPC) Partnership, a jointly developed, multi-year plan signed by both governments in June 2017.

The dialogue highlighted achievements and challenges that government stakeholders and CPC civil society implementing partners faced last year in reaching the objectives of strengthening the Peruvian government’s efforts to effectively investigate, prosecute, and convict child traffickers; identify and provide comprehensive trauma-informed care for child survivors of these crimes; and prevent child trafficking in all its forms.  Participants mapped out plans for the next year of the CPC Partnership, to include determining strategies to sustain impacts and achievements beyond the Partnership’s conclusion.  To date, the U.S. government has invested more than $11 million in foreign assistance and relevant Peruvian ministries have invested staff resources and in-kind contributions towards the goals and objectives of the CPC Partnership.

During the dialogue, the United States and Peru announced the CPC Partnership would extend for another two years, reaffirming the commitment between the two governments to continue working jointly toward the CPC Partnership’s objectives.  In pre-recorded opening remarks, Acting Director of the U.S. Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, Dr. Kari Johnstone applauded the Government of Peru for its dedication to the Partnership and implored participants to invest in sustainability through increasing overall resources to fund implementation of Peru’s National Policy Against Human Trafficking and allocating dedicated anti-trafficking budgets to member entities of the National Multisectoral Commission.

In his pre-recorded remarks, U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission to Peru John McNamara affirmed the United States’ continued commitment to the success of the CPC Partnership and sustaining its efforts towards protecting and rehabilitating child trafficking survivors.  He added that supporting individuals beyond their time in shelters by ensuring they are equipped with skills like financial literacy, entrepreneurship, technology is a critical aspect to our victim-centered approach.  These skillsets, when combined with continuing support such as mentorship and training, can help ensure individuals have a sustainable, reliable income source.

For further information:

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  • Idiocracy would not relate Repression to Communism due to their years of training by the misdirecting repressors.

  • In my opinion, I am HALF right, and you are HALF wrong. Let's part ways. Each of us is taking our HALF LIFE in peace.
    Peach On Herb says Be Anointed with Kenah Bosum and seeking you will find HEAVEN is at hand.


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