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    The Art Colony and related sites are just a modern day book with photos

    please share our address here with others as a book

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    In service to a great nation, I gave nearly my all. My soul for God and Country! Your Psychological Warrior for the war effort. MK-Donald/donna

  • While there are eternal truths such as gravity exists but why? (theory/model/faith) yet life is a series of half-truths that create an understanding or an illusion of preference  for each of us when added up making what some call that faith theory or modeling.

  • My personal opinion is that I am HALF right, and you are HALF wrong.
    DKMeek the Magician 19@nodkeem

  •  perhaps we are all conservatives yet we take the things that are offbeat and outcast at times and propose a better life that is more inclusive of the individuals in a society that is the liberal way

DEV>Jackavoid Deity Auction: Ancient Volcanic Regrowth


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Congratulations to Sleipn-r for winning this design! 

Hi all! Say hello to the newest Jackavoid design!

This design is a full-blooded Jackavoid deity and noted as being super rare.

This Jackavoid was inspired by words provided by folks in the QuillDog Discord server-- this time, it was sundae, perwinkle, wings, and volcano! I will say I took very loose inspiration with "sundae"... sundae reminds me of sunday, which reminds me of religion, which reminds me of ancient/celestial things! So I worked that interpretation into my design. c:

This Jackavoid's molten core shatters its pelt with white-hot lava, which streams down its sides and legs. Its eyes and willpower are said to be able to wake dormant volcanoes, if it rests its gaze upon the dormant volcano in question. Despite its fiery lava and destructive ash, beautiful fragile tendrils of periwinkle flowers and vegetation hang from its body and wings-- suspended perfectly and never catching fire. Legends say that the subtle ancient writings that adorn its body speak of the balance between the destruction and recreation of an age-old volcano from many moons ago.

There is an AB option with this auction of $300!

The auction is a one-day auction and Will CLOSE: 5:00 PM CST/CDT, Friday, Dec 23, 2022

Bidding can be done in US dollars!

Bidding for each design starts at US$5

Subsequent bids must increase by a minimum of US$3

There IS NO snipeguard on this design!

This design is open TO ALL! If you won the auction last time, you're in cooldown <3

Remember, all bids made correctly up until (and including) 5:00 are valid; any bids that occur at 5:01 or after are invalid (unless the auction is extended via snipeguard). If multiple bids are made at exactly 5:00 PM, the latest 5:00 bid is acknowledged as winner.

TO BID, reply to the “BID HERE” comment pertaining to the design you’re interested in! Make sure to only reply to the latest bid posted (I encourage you to refresh multiple times right before placing a bid, as some bids may be placed in very rapid succession). If in doubt or need of help, feel free to contact me or comment below.


AUCTION WINNER COOLDOWN: If you obtain this design, you'll be in a cooldown during the next auction. :) (Smile) Once the next auction is over, you're welcome to participate in the following auction!

TRANSFER COOLDOWN: If you obtain this design, you'll be in a transfer cooldown. This means that you must wait a month (30 days) to trade/sell the design and have transfer of this design acknowledged by moderators. Gifting is allowed.


If you realize that you're bidding against someone that has you blocked, it is up to you to find a friend/someone to bid for you; although I understand the necessity to block, I do not want to get in the middle of anyone's drama. :) (Smile)

If you have a current unpaid invoice with me (or multiple), all bids on auctions will be rendered automatically invalid until invoices have been paid in full. This is to protect myself and keep things orderly. :) (Smile)


For your bid to be valid, please remember to…

-acknowledge and utilize the mandatory starting bid and minimum subsequent bid increases listed above

-do not edit a bid, so other bidders are not confused

-do not remove your bid; please only participate in bidding if you are confident in being able to bid

-if you have an issue or need help, please contact me! <3

Winner will receive FOUR UNWATERMARKED PNG files:

1 PNG with jewelry + no background (transparent background)

1 PNG without jewelry  + no background (transparent background)
1 PNG with jewelry  + background
1 PNG without jewelry  + background
Winner can also utilize the above image. 

Files are quite large (39XX by 20XX pixels). For exact file sizing, please PM me!


I will contact you via Note or comment in regards to winning this auction. You will be able to send payment via PayPal. You will have up to 48 hours to pay after the bid closes; if you fail to pay within the 48 hours, the next highest bidder will have a chance to pay and obtain the design. What you see is what you will receive. You are able to utilize this design for anything you please, from roleplay to other artwork and beyond-- with the exception of breeding (however, exceptions can be made to the breeding rule-- please note me if interested)! You may alter it (but must make sure it is unique enough from all other designs—major changes must be confirmed by me; please check with me for clarifications), you may re-upload it (but must keep my watermark/signature and list me as the original creator in the description of the uploaded piece). You are free to change name, description, attributes etc. If you have any other questions concerning your rights to the design if you win it, I’ll be more than happy to answer them, so just ask!

The art design and species were created by myself, MischievousRaven, with the Paint Tool SAI program. I use a Gaomon pd1560 tablet with a stylus to create my artworks. Stealing in all forms and fashions is strictly prohibited; thank you!


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  • Idiocracy would not relate Repression to Communism due to their years of training by the misdirecting repressors.

  • In my opinion, I am HALF right, and you are HALF wrong. Let's part ways. Each of us is taking our HALF LIFE in peace.
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